Aug. 11

Listen to the Mocking Bird! It is singing praises of our store. The sharp, shrill notes of the Mocking Bird are all over town, small boys—and lots of grown people too—are amusing themselves with our little souvenir.

By whirling the string

The Mocking Bird will sing

To trade at Towne’s

Is quite the proper thing.

The Candy Shop–where Towne’s Drug Store Moved From.

A Business House is judged by it’s (sic) office stationery just as a man is judged by his clothes. If you have neat office stationery those who receive it will unconsciously judge your business by it and a favorable impression in business counts for much. You can get the neat kind at the Argus office.

Egan Bros. had three of their good steeds inside the coin at the opening day at the Anaconda Track Saturday, a splendid record for the local string. Their new 2-year-old, Sir Harry, by General Roberts  out of Nettie, won the baby event, this being the second victory for the colt in the past two weeks. Envy and Nifty ran third in their respective races and were at fair odds. Chris Miller rode the local horses.

A big special train on Sunday afternoon conveyed the members of the Bohemian Club, their musicians, attaches and help back to San Francisco after the annual high jinks which were concluded on that day, the event being the finest in the history of the club. One thousand members of the club, their guests and a few others privileged by Dame Fortune to see the spectacle, witnessed a masterpiece in the way of dramatic production at the Bohemian Grove Saturday night. In staging “The Fall of Ug,” this year’s play, Bohemia not only presented its most ambitious effort, but staged the offering so impressively that the club’s earth-wide fame for doing its share in the cause of art, letters and music must spread to even remote corners of the artistic world.

Apple show, Sebastopol, Aug 18-23. Friday, Aug 22 special day for Marin County and Petaluma. Round trip rate, 50¢. Go on 9:32 train, return on 4:10.

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