July 7, 1913

Without recovering consciousness, Grover Bell, the aviator who was so badly injured at Kenilworth Park the morning of July 4, alighting after a wonderful flight, passed away at the General Hospital soon after midnight Saturday. Dr. O’Brien said his death was due to fracture at the base of the skull. Eyewitnesses testified the presence of horses which ran ahead of the machine caused Bell to prolong his landing, so he had to make a right turn in order to clear the trees and thus met his death.

On Monday morning, the tower and reel wagons of the Petaluma and Santa Rosa Railway left here for Liberty Station in charge of electricians and the work of stringing the wires on the new Two Rock branch road was commenced. Both wagons were made at local shops. The stringing will be completed in about six weeks and then there will be cars running over the work for the construct crew.

Letter to the editor: I for one enjoyed the parade on the Fourth of July but observed many mothers with little children were unable to do so because both sides of Main and Kentucky were lined with automobiles and horse-drawn rigs. If I am not mistaken, the same conditions existed on Washington. In former years, this was not permitted. What was the matter? Who was responsible? I have heard very considerable complaints. It is my object to call this to mind so

those in authority take steps in time to prevent a like state of affairs during the next big parade. Let us respect the rights of the men, women and little children who do not have wheeled grandstands. H S McCargar.

Paris Café (formerly Swiss-American) Remodeled with Art Decorations. Most artistic in California. Finest French Cooking. Open Day and Night. 110 Main Street.

During the countermarch of the big parade on Main Street, the touring car owned by Olson and Bundesen bumped against another touring car. The car was driven by Carl Bundesen of the firm and the radiator and lamps held firm in the springs of the other car It looked for a time as though there would be a serious accident but no damage was done. The members of the board of education were in the bumped car and later stalled, so they had to walk back to D Street.

Miss Ruth Sjosten entertained a number of her friends on Thursday afternoon at the house of her parents on Sunny Slope Avenue in honor of her tenth birthday anniversary.

City Poultry Company buys all kinds of poultry at reasonable prices. B and Fourth streets.

While none of the new city officers will confirm the rumor, it is stated that at tonight’s meeting one police officer will be discharged, the day officer put back on the night watch and the chief alone attend to day duty. It is also rumored Councilman Healey will be the new chairman of the Street Committee and H S McCargar chairman of the Finance Committee which would make him also president of the fire commissioners.

At the Central Music House, you can hardly name a rice at which we will not sell you a piano. Make a small payment on delivery and the balance at your pleasure.

Filler of the week: In France, bank clerks are allowed two hours for dinner. Banks are open from 9 to 12 and from 2 to 5.

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