Season of 1913 and 1914 Artamo packages of articles to be embroidered. These packages present in a most convenient and satisfactory form a full line of articles for infants and children’s wear, underwear, pillow tops, centers, scarves, novelties, etc., in packages with more than enough DMC embroidery floss to entirely finish the needlework. Needles of the proper sort are also included. At Newburgh & Co., 167-169 Main St.

In a few days, A. Nelson, an evangelist, will begin a protracted series of gospel meetings in the pretty recently erected tent on Kentucky Street north of City Hall. The tent has been carpeted, equipped with comfortable chairs, electric lights, platform and organ and a number of living tents are nearby. It is proposed to have a series of illustrated lectures with stereopticon slides. A singing evangelist will be one of the special features and fine music will be provided by a trained choir. It is thought the meetings will begin Thursday. Mr. Nelson has completed a splendid series of meetings at San Jose where he received the support of the churches and accomplished much good. He is a very pleasing gentleman and is sure to make is presence felt in the city.

Automobiles were permitted to enter the Yosemite Park beginning today. They are allowed the use of one roadway.

Women have ridden horses, hobbies, bicycles, bucking bronchos, elephants and aeroplanes, but actress Bessie Eyton is the first to utilize an ostrich as a mount for daring escape and resourceful rescue in the desert wilds of South Africa in Selig’s latest Polyscopic novelty, “A Wild Ride.” This remarkable picture play was shown this afternoon to a large audience and will appear again tonight at the Gem.

Large family washing 60¢; blankets and comforts 10¢ extra. Call us up and let us explain the Wet Wash Method. The wagon will call for your laundry and deliver it when finished. William G. Lewis, Phone 633R, 21 E. Washington St.

The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Henry De Klerk (nee Perry) formerly of this city and now of Tomales, will be pleased to know they are to move to the new Two Rock townsite at the present terminal of the new Two Rock branch of the electric road where Mr. De Klerk will establish his egg depot, which has been located at Tomales. Stewart Scott has been awarded the contract for the erection of the dwelling and store. Besides being just eight miles from the city, the De Klerks will be able to travel back and forth between this city and their home by railroad.

Fair and Races. Sonoma and Marin Agricultural District. Santa Rosa Fair Grounds, Sept. 1-6, 1913. Day and night show: races, farm exhibits, stock, poultry, pigeons, school work, arts, manufactures, Indian massacre, frontier village, fireworks, new midway attractions, nickel night dancing. Admission: Day 50¢, Night 25¢. Fat purses – big premiums.

On Monday morning, work was commenced on the new flume of the Water Company, from the Adobe Creek to the Lawlor Reservoir. The Cavanagh Lumber Company began working hauling the lumber and it will take some time to get it up the mountain as it will take many thousand feet of lumber for the flume and it must be hauled before there is any rain or the wagons cannot be taken into the line of the flume as it is all adobe land.

Shop in Petaluma – or You Lose! Learn the lesson the manufacturer has learned. Get in touch with consumers through the Petaluma-labeled egg.

Two well-matched and speedy local steeds will be seen in action at Kenilworth Park at 2 o’clock next Sunday. Peter Ramatici will drive his speedy Petaluma Girl while Dick Harris will enter in competition his splendid animal China. The conditions provide that Petaluma Girl must race without hobbles. The respective owners have made a nice little bet on the relative merits of their pets.

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