Are you a brother of the brush?

In other words, do you have a fine crop of chin whiskers, glorious goatee or bristling beard? Or perhaps you sport mighty muttonchops, a la Generalissimo Mariano Vallejo?

“Whether pencil-thin or full Ozark-ian,

Any mannered whisker makes you Brothers’ kin.”

From furry to fuzzy,  the Petaluma Brothers of the Brush salute facial hair in all forms at the annual Bill Soberanes Memorial Petaluma Whiskerino Contest. Gentlemen, this is your chance to give your razor a rest while sprouting facial glory. Start growing now so you too can become a Brother of the Brush, a hirsute he-man or a veritable Van Dyke. And ladies, there’s a category for you as well.

The event begins at 2 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 5 at the Phoenix Theater, 201 Washington St. For details and to register your tonsorial treasure, visit

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