Dr. J.H. Hart, the noted expert criminologist, is filling a special engagement at the Mystic Theater today and tomorrow, an addition to the regular program, and will deliver his famous lecture, “Life Behind Prison Bars.” It includes photos of famous criminals, the electric chair, instruments of punishment, etc. and is said to be an unusually excellent feature, endorsed by the clergy and press. There is a complete change of scenes and views each night.

The total enrollment in the grammar and primary departments of the local public schools up to Monday afternoon was 768 pupils and the high school 200. When the Pepper Kindergarten and St. Vincent’s Academy are included, it will probably bring the total enrollment up to 1,100.

New ball player at Penngrove. A native son arrived on Sunday to gladden the hearts of Mr. and Mrs. Will Evants Jr. CQ at Penngrove. The mother and child are doing nicely; “Daddy” is busy receiving congratulations. Mr. Evants was formerly pitcher for Petaluma and Mrs. Evants was formerly Miss Howard of this city.

Thursday, Aug. 21 is the formal opening of the new millinery and cloak and suit store of Hall, Peck & Kamp CQ in the Bradbury Building on Main Street. This will also be the formal opening of the fall styles or millinery, cloaks and suits. The 21st, 22nd and 23rd will be the formal opening days and the ladies will tender a reception to the ladies of the city on those dates. The store is practically completed except the installation of the stock and this will commence arriving in a very few days, having already been selected. The owners will personally have charge of the new business and will give it their entire attention and they will introduce many innovations.

When the door bell rings do you go scurrying and scampering for a match with which to make a light in the hall? Hustling of that sort is hard on the nerves. Why not just have a button in the house? Press it and you instantly have a bright light. Electricity is one of the greatest modern conveniences, and it is not expensive. You’d be surprised at its reasonable cost. Consider also the work and annoyance it saves you. No smoky, dirty lamps to clean and fill, no “just out” of oil. Bright light can be had quicker than you can strike a match. Why not have it in your home? Pacific Gas and Electric Company.

WANTED: silk spoolers, nine girls 16 to 25 years of age, to learn. Apply to Carlson Currier Co., at Silk Mill.

The street oiling force is held up owing to the non-arrival of a carload of oil ordered some time ago, and the street officials are very much put out about it as they desire to do as much street oiling as they can while the weather permits. The oil should have been here several days ago.

A delegation of 25 members of Petaluma Lodge No 30, International Order of Odd Fellows, journeyed to the Brarens CQ Ranch at Corona on Sunday morning and assisted Mr. Brarens in erecting a large barn to replace the old structure destroyed by fire several weeks ago. Their good work was appreciated by Mr. Brarens and at noon a dinner was served by Mrs. Brarens and it is needless to state that it was enjoyed.

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