June 16

Are some of these included in your grip for the summer trip: cold cream; tan and freckle cream; talcum powder; bathing caps; hair, tooth, cloth and nail brushes; poison oak remedies; tooth pastes; face powder; curling irons; toilet soaps; shaving soaps; whisk brooms; alcohol stoves; wash bags; sponges; court plaster; insect powder, etc. Young-Herold Drug Co., the dependable druggists.

When doctors disagree, let them drink Old Gilt Edge and “fight it out.”

The paper cart used by Harold Bryant of Western Avenue for delivering the San Francisco dailies about the city was smashed by the engine of the 9:32 train at the station on Sunday morning and for a brief time there was considerable excitement. After the young man had loaded his papers on the car, he drove down Hopper Street and the horse became frightened by the engine. He could not keep the horse from backing across the track. The engineer applied the brakes immediately, but before he could bring the locomotive to stop it had struck the cart. Bryant jumped from the cart and escaped injury. Another cart was secured to deliver the morning papers.

For sale, the new confection, Popcorn Gems, Lovejoy and Schlunnegar, distributing agents.

Mr. & Mrs. P. Sweed announce the engagement of their daughter, Mabel, to Mr. M. Liebert of New York. The above announcement with the request that nothing additional be said was received by the Argus today and, for once, the Argus is compelled to disregard the wishes of its friends owing to the prominence of the bride-elect and her parents. Miss Sweed is a native daughter of this city, a graduate of the local grammar and high schools and university of California and an ex-member of the local high school faculty. She recently returned from a tour of Europe and her resignation followed soon after her return. Since then, friends have surmised she resigned to become a bride. The wedding date has not been made public but it will take place shortly. Miss Sweet is the eldest daughter of President Philip Sweed of the Board of Education and the sister of Miss Tess and Herbert Sweed. After the wedding Mr Liebert and bride will make their home in New York City where the former is at the head of an extensive exporting house.

Thomas McIntosh was arrested Saturday while in an intoxicated condition and on Sunday morning appeared before Judge Dillon. He was fined $5 but only had 60 cents and wanted to be at work on Monday so the judge ordered him out of the city. On Monday morning, he was again arrested. This time, Judge Dillon ordered him to work five days for the city.

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