Hundreds of local music lovers were disappointed Saturday night when it was noised about Dreamland Rink that Chas. Bulotti, the eminent tenor, would not be able to sing owing to illness. Many had anticipated with pleasure hearing his wonderful voice once more and all greatly regretted his inability to appear. He came up from San Francisco Saturday evening to show his local friends it was impossible for him to sing as h was taken ill Wednesday with a severe attack of throat trouble, The inability of Mrs. George P. Lovejoy to sing was another disappointment.

Prof. A.W. Stephenson, the well-known local violinist, on Saturday evening assumed a position with the Mystic orchestra and hereafter will be a permanent fixture in the organization, succeeding Will Goehner. “Steve” has many friends who are glad to see him back in harness again. It has been some time since he has done theatrical work, although he has a long experience in that line and is very efficient.

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There have been some big events at Dreamland Rink in the past, but the benefit tendered to Hugh McCormick following his recent accident was a record breaker. Nearly 2,000 people were in the big hall. The whole event was of a carnival nature and the vast hall was beautifully decorated and brilliantly lighted. A huge platform held the monster 100-person chorus and the concert grand Steinway. One of the many rare delights was the appearance of Miss Rausgrill from San Francisco who has a voice of rare ability and a wonderful range. She sang Gianinna Mia and Venus Waltz. Price and Theller had good dope, sang well and were fine. The boys are all right. The ovation received by Mr. Edward L. Lippitt must have gratified him greatly. When he took his seat at the instrument, the vast audience was so quiet one could hear a pin drop and so it was until he finished when there was a tumult of applause, which was not ended until he reappeared. His number was the ever beautiful and popular Valse de Concert by Wienawski and it was rendered as only the local virtuoso can perform. After the program, dancing continued until 2 a.m. and the big crowd wished to remain longer.

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