“I love zombies,” said Vicki DeArmon, marketing and events coordinator for Copperfield’s Books. To that end, for the past three years, she’s masterminded a Zombie Walk. It began in Sebastopol, but has grown to include Petaluma and Montgomery Village.

On Oct. 26, all Petaluma zombies are invited to gather at 2 p.m. at Copperfield’s Books, 140 Kentucky St., dressed in their best zombie drag. Anybody of any age can be a zombie, DeArmon said. “It’s your fate, I guess.

“We’ll touch up our makeup, practice lumbering and groaning, and go over the ground rules – no touching passersby and don’t scare little kids.”

After that, the Zombie Walk begins as the parade lumbers and groans its way down Kentucky Street to the Saturday Farmers’ Market in Walnut Park. After lurching around among the produce stands and pumpkins, kettle corn, gourds and fresh fish, the parade shambles back to Copperfield’s for a Zombie Party featuring such delicacies as eyeballs (peeled grapes) and guts
(cold spaghetti). There will be prizes, including Best Lumberer, and a trivia contest. Sample question: Why shouldn’t you kill a zombie with a chainsaw? (answer below)

DeArmon said she doesn’t put on her zombie suit. Instead, “I run ahead shouting, ‘The zombies are coming!’” The reaction, she said, is generally, “People look at me like I’m crazy, then there’s this big belly laugh.”

Answer: It makes too much noise and calls the other zombies.

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