Sunday was Discovery Day and it was legally observed on Monday throughout the state. In this city, banks and public offices were closed all day and the post office observed holiday hours. This constituted the local celebration, but few flags being raised here in honor of the day.

$7,900 a day. This is the amount, based on actual figures and very conservative estimates, of outside money received in Petaluma on the average every day in the year for eggs, poultry and baby chicks shipped away. If you have anything to sell to poultrymen and farmers and don’t get your share of that money, you can get more of it by advertising in the Petaluma Weekly Poultry Journal, which reaches most of the men who handle that money. Others are making a profit from buying space in the Journal, and you may also. This is not talk, but a statement of fact which has been demonstrated.

Big sale of dolls, French jointed and kid bodies. We bought a large sample line of dolls at a big reduction and are going to sell then at about twp-thirds the regular price. They are all 1913 babies and some of them have grown to be 3 feet tall. Come and see what a fine, large doll you can get for a small price. Buy them now and have plenty of time to dress them for Christmas.

The Wilder hack stand has been changed from Lovejoy & Schlunneger Cigar Store to the Hinshaw Cigar Store. Telephone 90-R.

Lessons in drawing, painting, pastel, water color, perspective anatomy etc. Prof. E Urbain, No. 30 Fifth St.

How to use cheesecloth. Cheesecloth makes good strainers, dust cloths, polishers of furniture and also is excellent to tie over milk crocks and fruit jars and makes dainty curtains and comforters.

How to go to sleep. A man should make his toilet as carefully for going to bed as for the business of the day. Certain physical things are conducive to sleep, such as plenty of sweet, outdoor air; the absence of noises, lights and bad odors and, above all, a feeling of tiredness.

There are also certain mental and spiritual preparations. To be intensely interested in anything is fatal to sleep; so also are the memory of a rankling failure, plan-making. Problem-solving, apprehension, shame and remorse. Passions of any kind, craving and all heats are against sleep.

One is very fortunate who has a habit of prayer for there is nothing can still the soul like purging the conscience before God, and cares, pricking annoyances, dreads and all mental tensions can be remedied in no way more satisfactorily than by letting the consciousness of God wash the soul. A sense of friendliness and peace toward the infinite is the surest medicine for sleep.



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