Oct. 6

The final concert of the season for the Patriarchs Militant Band was held Saturday on Main street and was undoubtedly the finest of the many rendered this season. Many were heard to say if the weather continues good, steps should be taken to continue the pleasure of Saturday night concerts a little longer. The rendition of the march “Petaluma Boosters’ was excellent.

Many hens in every flock now-a-days are shy a great many feathers. The molting is on full tilt. Those hens will not lay eggs to speak of until they get new winter coats. This is accomplished by feeding generously of Golden Eagle Egg Food, containing all elements essential to the proper nourishment of the hen which will not only keep up her vitality but permit her to grow new feathers rapidly and develop eggs. Will you try a few sacks? You’ll find it is a lot easier than mixing your own feeds with all the worry about proper balance and the backache of shoveling it.  also you’ll find your hens like it better.

How to keep buttons. Some housewives save their pill and lozenge boxes to hold small buttons, and then fasten a sample button to the top of each box. This is a good plan, but not quite so good as one big box having compartments. Into one compartment put the  pearl buttons, into another the bone ones, and in still another the cloth-covered ones, and so on. It takes no more time to put a stray button into its proper compartment than to drop it into a box of miscellaneous buttons and then find said button when one is in a hurry is hardly a moment’s work, quite a different proposition from getting it out of a big box filled with all sorts and conditions of buttons.

After reading our editorial advocating the creation of a children’s playground at Kenilworth Park, a number of citizens have advanced the thought that it world be a good plan, after the proposed improvements have been made, to have band concerts at the park Sunday afternoons. If a music shell were provided amid attractive surroundings, such a plan would prove popular.

The latest suggestion for the beautification of the city is that the space now occupied by unsightly hitching rails on the lower Main Street Plaza be removed and replaced by a nice little park.

It’s time to buy underwear at Raymond Bros. We still have the good old reliable kinds, but also many new kinds. It takes a big stock to please every person and we have over 50 complete lines and can show you light, medium and heavy weights in cotton, cotton-wool and all wool for men, boys, ladies, misses and children. Don’t wait till you get a cold that will follow you through the winter. Get now the underwear your good judgment tells you you ought to have. With the low prices with which we have marked all our underwear, no person can afford to take any chances with the doctor and doctor bills.


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