Our soda drinks are – real drinks. The snappy tasty kind. In appearance, appointment and capacity our fountain will lead you to believe that you will receive delicious drinks and you will not be disappointed. The Candy Store.

Annual parasol sale, entire stock of this season’s novelties at 25% discount. Newburgh & Co., 107-109 Main Street.

Veronica Water, a popular remedy for stomach and bladder troubles, 50¢ a bottle, $3.50 a case. Jergen’s violet glycerine soap, clear emerald color with the odor or real violets. 25¢ a box. Young-Herold Drug Co.

A year ahead of the rest: Henderson De Luxe, the car of your dreams. The Henderson cowl dash, cowl gasoline tank, kerosene carburetor, left drive, single lever central control, electric lights and electric starter are practical features that will later be adopted on all the highest priced cars. Remember, you can get them all on the Henderson now. J.J. Tanner & Son, agents for Sonoma County.

The Toggery’s Red Tag Sale. If we were to print all the wonderful and unprecedented bargains which this sale is brimming over with, an entire newspaper would hardly contain it and even then it would not do justice to the hundreds of extraordinary opportunities. It is a sale of incalculable importance to every man, irrespective of age, in Petaluma and vicinity; a carefully planned event involving every suit and hat bought the past season and all furnishing goods which have been in the store beyond their allotted time of six months.

Negotiations are pending between Phillip Sweed, owner of the building on the corner of Main and B streets and Chas H. Wilson, the local harness dealer, for the lease of the and it is likely the deal will be completed within the next few days. The store is now being remodeled by Contractor M.H. Fredericks. Mr. Wilson has been engaged in the harness business in the old McNear Building on lower Main Street for over 15 years. The new quarters will be larger and he will also have more light.

Jack Matthews, the leader of the Santa Rosa baseball club, was a visitor in the city Tuesday for the purpose of signing Jake Tanner of this city to play for the City of Roses club. The well-known manager found Tanner is at Rio Nido enjoying his outing and of course Jack was disappointed as he wants Tanner to play in the game on Sunday against Healdsburg. The local player has received many offers of late, but has not considered them. He was formerly connected with the local club.

The Petaluma Lawn Tennis Club members are congratulating themselves. The club is now out of debt, the last payment on the note contracted when the courts were built having been paid off Tuesday. This leaves the club free to go ahead with more improvements as the income from dues will be sufficient to add very materially to the conveniences. A shower bath will in all probability be constructed in the near future as the first long-needed convenience. The courts are in good shape and with a little repairing will be as good as any in the county. The oiled surface is hard as asphalt and a little rolling will make it as good as could be desired. Plans for a new club house have been drawn by Brainerd Jones and if sufficient interest can be aroused among the members, the house will be built. New members are coming in every season and the membership numbers about 40. There has been some playing this season, but Petalumans usually begin in earnest after the spring winds have died down. From now on there will be more enthusiasm in tennis circles.

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