June 2

Aching feet. Before retiring at night, soak the feet in a basin or tub of hot water in which has been dissolved three or four Nyal’s Foot Bath Tablets. The next morning, dust in the shoes a little Nyal’s Easem. These two cost but 25¢ each, but give $5 worth of comfort.

No two cases of sickness are alike, neither are two prescriptions. That’s why so much time and attention are devoted to prescription precision at Towne’s. You get an individual, scientific service, one of greatest value to you and your doctor.

Colgate’s Talcum Powders. New, fresh stock in the following odors: Violet, Cashmere Bouquet, Dactylis, La France Rose, Monad Violet and unscented. 25¢ can, 3 for 60¢. Colgate’s Ribbon Dental Cream: antiseptic, economical and cannot roll off the brush. 25¢.

James Purdy was coming down B Street on his motor bike and as he turned into Third saw in a jiffy that he would hit P.P. Lawson who was pedaling up the street on his bicycle. So he turned to the wrong side of the street, which in this case was the right side. Lawson tried to dodge and in the mix-up fell, but was not injured. Purdy, however, bumped into a buggy driven by Chas. Barboni and broke a wheel of Barboni’s vehicle, but fortunately Purdy was not injured and no Bar-bones were broken.

Jersey Ice Cream Freezer is easiest to operate, easiest to clean and requires less salt and ice than any other freezer. There are no cracks or corners of any kind in the can. This can is extra heavy and heavily tinned. You don’t pay the ice man for extra ice every time you use the Jersey. Just so much ice and salt is required to freeze a gallon of cream. More than this is a waste. You will save several cents on ice and salt every time you use the Jersey.

Henderson De Luxe, the car of your dreams. Equipped: Rear, with the famous Stutz System. Ward Leonard Self-Starting Electric Lighting System, which is used by the United States Navy on ships with a few unimportant exceptions. Also adopted by the State Railways of Switzerland. At J.J. Tanner, & Son, agents for Sonoma County

The Affiliated Amusement Company offers these two great musical comedy successes in one evening at the Hill Opera House: The Honeymoon Trail and The Time, The Place and The Girl. Two nights only. June 3-4. Prices 25¢, 50¢, 75¢

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